IJDTSA Vol.4, Issue 2, No.5 pp.97 to 110, May, 2019
Status of Eastern Konyak in Indo-Myanmar Border Area: Some Critical Insights
“When You Go Back, Write, Share And Tell People About Our Struggles And Experiences In The Border Area” – Cheno Konyak
Multiple ethnicity and indigenous people, struggling for their identity and survival, inhabits the border between India and Myanmar. Eastern Konyak is one among those indigenous groups who occupies some parts of land since last few generations. These areas are understand in the context of rural set up that are geographically isolated from the mainstream with no development and lack of opportunity and accessibility. Border in actual is not natural and that no such thing exist but is a human made for different political reasons, likewise the Nagas in Indo-Myanmar border area never knew that they’ll be a part of border between two nations and it is significantly true that these areas are completely excluded, exploited and dominated by the larger political parties and hence remain marginalised.