Our Activities
The NBCT runs four projects. The School of Ambedkar Studies, Buddhist Intellectual Collective India, National Council of Buddhist Sangha and the Buddhist Aesthetic Project. Each of these projects are coordinated by different members of the organization.
The School of Ambedkar Studies runs three activities: The Ambedkar Centre for Epistemology, Mind and Social Transformation, the Indian Journal of Dalit and Tribal Studies and Action and the Indian Journal of Dalit and Tribal Social Work.
The Buddhist Intellectual Collective India is a platform of Buddhist Academics and scholars engaged with Ambedkar and Buddhist Studies.
The National Council of Buddhist Sanghas is a national platform of Buddhist Sanghas affiliated to the NBCT.
The Buddhist Aesthetics Project is a platform of Ambedkarite Buddhist Artist who engaged through their Art work to explain the Message of Babasaheb and the Buddha.
With Metta